Instructor Training & Publications is a DVSA ORDIT Organisation
Make Sure You’re Properly Prepared for The Driving Element of The Examiner Recruitment Process. You Don’t Get a Second Chance to Make a Good First Impression.
This course will help prepare you for driving assessment element of the Examiner selection process
This course comprises 5 hours’ one-to-one coaching to bring your driving up to the very high standard required to pass this test.
This will cover all of the manoeuvres, urban and rural driving including higher speed driving on national speed limit single-carriageway roads.
The 5 hours is usually taken as a one-day session of five hours.
This is a practical course and attendance will be required at the Training Establishment.
Usually one day, but you’d be welcome to take as many days as you like.
The cost of this course is £395 + VAT at current rate, per day. Each day is five hours: 08h30-13h30.
The examiner recruitment process consists of an online application and a situational judgment test. If you’re successful, you’ll then be invited to take a driving assessment of one hour at a local DTC or regional centre. The other element will be a panel interview.
Please note: this process is correct at time of writing but may be subject to change.
There are specific criteria required for the driving test and these will be discussed in detail on the training session(s).
You’ll probably only get one shot at this so make sure it counts by preparing yourself thoroughly before undergoing this searching DVSA assessment.
It’s a fusion of skills: your own driving ability and how well you get on with your colleagues and customers.
There is always a great deal of competition for each examiner vacancy [around 40 candidates for each post] so ensure that you have the upper hand when you attend for the driving assessment. It’s often called a ‘competition’ drive because you’ll be in competition with other applicants for a place. Therefore, your driving ability could determine whether you go through to the next stage. Why chance it?
TO BOOK: Please visit the contact page and leave your details. We’ll then be in touch to discuss the options that best suit your needs.
NEW BOOK | 1771 DRIVING see online shop
This new book has a section on how examiners become qualified, a day in the life of an examiner and a detailed account of the driving test which includes the wording used by examiners.
The book features skill sets for all driving procedures and explains current best practice.
Summary – an ideal book to study to give you an overview of the process of qualifying to be an examiner and a day in the life.
Reviews of Examiner Training:
…I’m now through to the next round – thank you! I would have struggled without your help… I felt as prepared as I could have been… The techniques you gave me really helped for the role-play, which I was concerned about… I had post-it notes stuck on walls throughout the house with all your sayings on them and I got my other half to test me… the other candidates said they hadn’t had any coaching… I wonder if they got through… very much worth the money and the trip to see you…
…Superb techniques plus great knowledge… I felt super confident when I went for my role-play assessment – and passed! Without your help I wouldn’t of had a clue… grateful thanks…
…Whatever it takes put everything on hold – Move your lessons… just rearrange everything to get Brian’s training – it will make all the difference and you won’t regret it!
…Because I wasn’t an ADI I felt at a disadvantage but you gave me techniques and strategies for both elements and they helped me to be successful – passed! Worth taking the training – don’t think about, just book it… it was the best thing I did… now looking forward to my new career as an examiner…
…What helped me most of all was the report writing which was something I was concerned with…
…Many thanks to you for your guidance regarding the role play… The training you provided was excellent and I felt 100% ready for the day… I couldn’t have been better prepared… I was worried because I’ve never been for an interview in my life…